Vote Republican and join the millions of Americans fighting every day to keep our country free

Attend via zoom

If you're not able to attend this evening's meeting in person, we will have an option to view the meeting by Zoom. Unfortunately, our bylaws do not allow for members attending by Zoom to vote so if you're able to make it in person, we strongly encourage you to come and have your votes recorded.

Endorsements Meeting 2024

6:30 pm General Meeting 
Round Table Pizza | 2345 Sunset Blvd, Rocklin, CA 95765

Join us at the Placer County Republican Assembly to have your voice heard and help shape our endorsements – let’s stand strong for our conservative values!

Click the links below to view the candidate endorsements we plan to discuss, or the contested races highlighted, as well as our consent calendar.

If you are a voting member of the Placer County Republican Assembly, you can pull any candidate from the consent calendar for discussion.

If you are a candidate, we invite you to join us to answer questions and get to know a fantastic group of local Republican volunteers.

I’m also including a link below to our rules. These are procedures for endorsements that come from our statewide parent organization, the California Republican Assembly. CRA is California’s oldest and most influential Republican volunteer organization, making our endorsement a coveted priviledge.


What We Believe


Criminals should be prosecuted by tough prosecutors and dangerous criminals should be in jail.


Hard work. Not handouts. Jobs. Not taxes. Keep jobs and job creators in California and stop driving them away.


Focus on creating a competitive workforce for the future instead of "woke" ideology.

No New Taxes

More Jobs. Less Taxes.

Gas prices and inflation are at record highs, and there are shortages of the things people need. Republicans believe we can do better. Don’t you agree?

Personal responsibility